How to distinguish quality weeds?

How to distinguish quality weeds?

Good marijuana, unfortunately, is not good wine – its value is irrevocably lost over time. Weed has a good lifespan of up to a year. After that, without the right storage conditions, weed begins to go bad quickly. How can you tell the difference between a good cone and one that is no longer fresh? Why is it important to smoke only good quality products? Apart from the most obvious benefits such as taste, smell and potency, it is also safer for your health. Cones quite often get infected with fungus and mould during improper storage. Even a schoolboy should understand that any oral contact with such a herb (and there are always unburned spores or toxins from burnt mould in the smoke) is fraught with danger. 

Finally, a poor-quality bud will have less THC than a high-quality one. Storage conditions and age have a direct impact on the preservation of the original THC level of aaa weed. It breaks down when exposed to oxygen, so the older the bud, the less of this psychoactive component it contains. This is probably the saddest circumstance that prevents you from collecting buds, which would make any grower’s life more beautiful.


The terpenes responsible for the smell of cannabis disappear fairly quickly. So a cone that has been lying around for a long time will smell weaker or have an offensive odour. A cone that has been properly weeded not too long ago, on the other hand, has a stronger, sharper and richer scent than older plants. And you should definitely be alert to the smell of decay, mustiness or damp coming from a cone. This is a signal that you have been storing it in a damp place and therefore it might have been affected by rotting or mould. It is also not worth smoking cones that smell of chemicals – lazy and greedy traders have probably not washed the soil thoroughly before harvests.


It is not always possible to determine the quality of a cone by this parameter alone. But an inspection of the cone can tell you a lot. Make sure there are no spider webs of mould or dark pockets of fungus on it. The colour of good grass should be natural and have a rich mix of red hairs, light green leaves and white trichomes, for example. A decaying bud, on the other hand, can lose its colour to a uniform colour, becoming completely dark brown or grey. The bump itself should be dense in appearance and naturally shaped. If it’s a shapeless pile that doesn’t even remotely resemble a cone, it’s probably rotten grass. 


The cone must not crumble to the touch and must be slightly bouncy. A lump that is too soft and loses its shape when you squeeze it is an indication that the crop is either too dry or that the tissue is rotting. An old cone that has been kept very long will, on the other hand, crumble to dust at the slightest pressure. A cone that has rotted from dampness and then been forced to dry will behave in the same way. The condition of the cone can also be determined by the stem. A hemp which is in the best possible condition should have a stubby stem which snaps back into shape. If you want to buy weed online, make sure the shop is reliable.